Monday, May 19, 2008

Same-Sex Marriage

Conservatives believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. They also believe that to accept same-sex marriage goes against the religion of Muslims, Catholics, and many other religious groups. Liberals believe that marriage should be available to all people no matter what the gender of the couple is. They also believe that in denying same-sex marriage goes against their civil rights.
I agree with the liberal point of view that two men have the same right to marry as a man and a women and vice versa. I also agree that it goes against the civil rights to not allow this. There are many things religious groups don't agree with and our laws in this country can't reflect that of any religion but of the equality of opportunity for all people.


Conservatives believe that abortion is the murder of a human being and that human life begins when the baby is first conceived. Most liberals believe that it is the mothers choice as to what to do with the baby.
I agree with the liberal side that it should be the mothers choice. Although I personally would not necessarily get an abortion, there should not be laws restricting other women from the choice to do so. There are many circumstances with pregnant women that would require them to do something as get an abortion in cases such as rape and even with being unable to finance for a child. Adoption seems like a good option but after carrying a baby for 9 months, that would create a major bond between mother and child and make it difficult for the mother to give the baby up. I think that the conservatives made a lot of good points in the debate but no matter what the circumstance is, there should not be laws regarding abortion because in the end it should be the mother's choice.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Conservative vs. Liberal

Conservatives "believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals." Liberals "believe in governmental action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all, and that it is the duty of the State to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights, believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need, and that people are basically good." The main issues that are debated by these two groups include: abortion, death penalty, same-sex marriage,the environment, gun control, war, homeland security,immigration, taxes, and many other issues similair to the economics of our society. Liberal people have a more tolerant and open minded attitude towards these issues while conservative people are more focused on preserving traditional beliefs. Conservatives tend to represent the republican party while liberals tend to represent the democratic party.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Is it really a shame??

"It's a shame that the people who are listening to you the most are only interested in you because they want you and your peers to buy their product."

Although the intention of these close listeners may be for their own fortune, does their intention really matter? Yes, they want us to buy their products but it is our own decision to actually buy it. It is also our decision to give into marketing. People listen to us to find our interests to promote products that may in fact benefit us, so who really cares if their intentions aren't just to have a pleasent conversation with us. Plus, this statement is more of opinion than factual because there really is no way to know that the most interested of listeners are these people in marketing.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My favorite song by Britney is one of her newer songs, Gimme More. Although the lyrics don't have a direct correspondance to me, I really like this song because of it's fast beat. Like Britney's other songs, they all have a catchy tune and are fun songs to dance to. The lyrics are mainly about the effects men have on a women and other topics that refer to love. Although I may not take these lyrics directly to heart, they do address the popular topic of reltionships that can relate to anyone.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Oops!.. I Did It Again

Britney Spear's music style is a clear indication of the pop music genre. Every album she produced was an instant hit. Britney is a definite exemplifies the fact that sex sells, being a major sex icon herself. She also makes it evident that a catchy tune with an upbeat rythm also sells. Even with her current negative publicity, she is still making loads of money off of her hit albums.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Impact of Elvis

Elvis represents the image of a more rebellious era. He helps to bring the races together by interesting white people into the history of the blues. He was known as having the "black song in the white voice." He also reassured women that it's ok to have sexual desires. Elvis is looked down upon by the older crowd but praised by the younger crowd. His rebellious nature lead this younger crowd to defend him when being looked down upon. Elvis is the first sense of any kind of sensual music style that begins to reveal sex as a more socially acceptable thing. The role of the agent during this era is huge as seen in Elvis' case. His agent created his image as an available guy to increase fans and keep old ones. I think Elvis had a positive impact on this era because he helped the unity of the races, helped the liberation of women, and helped make sex more socially acceptable.